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  Speckled Leather - Soft Coral
South West Pacific Ocean
Phytoplankton, Rotifers, Baby Artemia, Marine Algae
  Water Flow:
Medium to High
Ease of Care:
Can be difficult
  Special Requirements and Information:
Soft corals bring motion to your tank and easy to take care of. Leather Corals are probably the most diverse group available to the aquarist. They feed in the water column and use the flow to instigate movement to assist in their feeding. They will also fill and empty water in their bodies which adds variation to your tank. They can be aggressive and can sting neighbors, so keep them a distance from others.
Feed anytime during the day. Make sure that you use phytoplankton on a regular basis. Once they're accustomed to your tank, they can be introduced to frozen foods such as chopped blood worms, artemia or squid. Place the defrosted food directly over the polyps. This coral can get quite tall in a show tank, so keep that in mind when you decide on final placement.

Pacific Aqua Farms • 5450 W. 104th St., Los Angeles, CA • 310.215.3474