Pink Tip Neon  Elegance Coral - Soft Coral
Indo/West Pacific Ocean
Phytoplankton, Rotifers, Baby Artemia, Marine Algae
Low to Medium.
  Water Flow:
Low Medium
Ease of Care:
  Special Requirements and Information:
Elegance corals are beautiful but are no longer very hardy. To compound the matter, they have a propensity to attack other corals and fish (their normal food source)
Begin feeding with zooplankton and microalgae. Once they're accustomed to your tank, they can be introduced to frozen foods such as chopped blood worms, artemia or squid. Use a turkey baster to place the food over the mouth. In an established tank they will feed on the live food in the water.
They do not require excellent water conditions.

Pacific Aqua Farms • 5450 W. 104th St., Los Angeles, CA • 310.215.3474